[abrouxados] Industria masoquista european tour 2011

preta en casadasatochas.info preta en casadasatochas.info
Mie Mar 16 10:39:58 CET 2011


reenvío correo por se fora de interese.
unha aperta


De: Industria Masoquista [mailto:industriamasoquista em hotmail.com]
Enviado el: miércoles, 16 de marzo de 2011 1:51
Para: Bello Fariñas, Lucia
Asunto: Industria Masoquista Tour 2011

Hello Lucia!

How are you? Here is Javier from Industria Masoquista. I got your  
email from Marc of One Man Nation. I am looking for play gigs in  
Europe between 01th October & 05th November 2011. I would like to play  
shows in Europe please, let me know if you could to help me with it or  
if you know people that could to organize some shows in Spain, France,  
  Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, England & Poland please, send me  
their contacts. Here is a sampler of my muzik  
http://experimentalelektronik.de/industria_masoquista/ They're tracks  
from 1997 to 2005. A live set  
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBDBbmyjjqU &  
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sg41n7RrvF4  If you need more info  
please, let me know.

Here are some dates about my tour:


14th October live at Waggon Offenback
15th October live at Berlin


19th October live at Nancy
21th October live at Bourg En Bresse


23th October live at Gent

United Kingdom:

31th October live at Bristol

all the best
industriamasoquista em hotmail.com

c/o: Javier F. Riera Navas, P.O. Box: 05-01-268, Latacunga - ECUADOR,  
South America

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